Help your VERY wakeful baby or toddler sleep soundly, for decent stretches at night

…WITHOUT any sleep training!

  • Frequent night waking?
  • Split nights?
  • Long periods of restlessness?

Say goodbye to excessive night wakefulness & hello to a much more restful, predictable sleep pattern… AND continue to respond to your little one in whatever way works best!

“Your program is honestly life-changing!”

It was taking over an hour to get my 7 month old to sleep at night, and I considered 6 or less wakes a ‘good night’.

Now after the Baby Sleep Revolution™ program, she’s only up 1-3 (normally 2) times at night.

Georgina – I’d just like to say THANK YOU!

– Jessica

Are you struggling with a very wakeful little one and feel like you’ve already tried EVERYTHING? Well, keep watching because this may just be exactly what you’ve been searching for! 

I’m Georgina and I’m an evidence based baby and toddler sleep educator – and I’m sure I don’t have to convince you that life with a very wakeful little one is tough. I’ve been there myself. My little one ranged from wakeful to extremely wakeful in the first year of life, and it’s really hard. 

Not only are you dealing with the effects of NEXT LEVEL sleep deprivation – things like: Brain fog. Struggling to string a sentence together, Making it through to 2pm and then just wishing you could crawl into bed for the rest of the day – and night. Getting snappy and losing patience with those nearest and dearest. And just feeling like a bit of a shell of your usual self. 

If you’re like most of the parents I help, not only are you going to tick a few of these boxes, but you’re probably also feeling pretty stressed, frustrated and confused. 

Struggling to work out why your little one is wakeful – even the doctors are stumped

Worrying that maybe you’re doing something wrong

Wondering if there’s anything else you can do to improve sleep that you haven’t already tried. 

And this is probably the hardest thing, not knowing how much longer you’re going to have to deal with this for.

Your gut is telling you that it shouldn’t be this hard. That there HAS to be a reason for your little one’s wakefulness. 

Everyone keeps telling you to sleep train, but that’s not the answer. Maybe you’re not comfortable with it, or you already tried it and it didn’t work, or it stopped working.

You’re desperate to find a way out. So you can get back to being your usual happy, energetic self and truly enjoy this precious time with your little one. But you just can’t figure out how.

So many parents struggle with this, so I want you to know that firstly, you’re not alone. And that none of this is your fault.

You haven’t done anything wrong. 

Your gut instinct is right. There is an explanation and a solution. 

But the plethora of conflicting advice and the near constant encouragement to sleep train makes it really hard to find.

It’s like searching for a precious gem in a big pile of rubble. Difficult and time consuming at the best of times, near impossible when sleep deprived!

Because of this, most parents end up stuck with no idea what else they can do. Just surviving the days instead of enjoying time with their little one. 

Time they can never get back. 

But now you’re here, it doesn’t need to be that way for you!

If your baby or toddler: 

Wakes frequently at night – hourly every sleep cycle, or even more often for some or all of the night. 

Or they love a 2am party – aka a split night or middle of the night waking. 

Or they sleep lightly or they’re restless – tossing and turning – for long periods at night.

And this has been happening either every night or on and off for many weeks, months, or maybe even longer…

You’re in the right place!

I want you to know that it IS possible to help your little one sleep soundly for decent stretches at night without any form of sleep training. It comes down to science. 

One of the most common causes of excessive night wakefulness in babies and toddlers – and adults too, actually – is something that’s rarely discussed:

Low sleep pressure. 

Sleep pressure is one of the two systems in our body that regulates sleep, and it’s a measure of how sleepy we feel. It’s actually a chemical called adenosine, and it builds up in our brain while we’re awake. The more time we spend awake, the higher our sleep pressure and the sleepier we feel. And then as we sleep, it reduces again.

To sleep soundly at night, we need to build up enough sleep pressure by bedtime. If we don’t, we can have trouble falling asleep, or we can struggle to sleep well at night, or both.

Its pretty logical, right? But it often gets lost in the sea of baby sleep misinformation.

Many people believe babies and toddlers need a lot of sleep, that they should sleep 7pm-7am and have long daytime naps. And while this is true for some, research shows theres actually a really wide variation in sleep needs.

Babies and toddlers aged between 6 and 24 months typically have anywhere from 9 to 16 hours of sleep per 24 hours, including naps! (1)

So every little one is different. Some need a lot of sleep, others are more efficient sleepers and have lower sleep needs.

But as parents we often don’t know this and so we do things like encourage long naps and set relatively early bedtimes thinking it’s necessary. Now this isn’t a problem if your little one has average to high sleep needs, but if they don’t, too much sleep or not enough awake time during the day can make it hard for their sleep pressure to build and can lead to excessive night wakefulness. And sometimes, though not always, it can also cause little ones to have trouble falling asleep or to wake really early.

Most little ones who experience this will just be wakeful for a short period of time, usually a few nights or a week or so, and then they’ll naturally return to a restful sleep pattern without much fuss or help. 

But some, especially those with quite low sleep needs, are more sensitive.

They can easily get stuck in a cycle where after a string of wakeful nights, they catch up on sleep during the day, which reduces their sleep pressure, leading to more wakeful nights. 

Some are wakeful every night while others ride a bit of a sleep roller coaster, cycling between strings of okay or good nights when their sleep pressure does reach an adequate level, and strings of wakeful nights when it doesn’t.

So how do you break the cycle? 

Well, you follow a process to reset and optimise their sleep pattern. So you help transition them out of the wakeful disrupted sleep pattern they’re in into a pattern where their sleep pressure builds to an adequate level by bedtime each night. So they fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly for decent stretches.

The optimal sleep pattern looks different for every child because they all have different sleep needs and they’re all able to stay awake for different lengths of time during the day. So as part of the process, you need to figure out exactly how much sleep they need and when, so you can transition them into the specific pattern that works best for them.

And when you do this, it is honestly life changing! 

Just imagine for a second how it would feel to wake up every morning feeling refreshed with energy to function properly, to get what you need to get done and to enjoy time with your little one.

And imagine going to bed each evening knowing the night ahead will be okay. 

How much better would your life be? 

I want you to know that this is possible and that’s why I’m so excited you’re here, because this is exactly what the Baby Sleep Revolution program is designed to help with!

It’s a one-of-a-kind program that helps parents get sleep back on track, fast and maintain a restful sleep pattern in the months and years ahead. 

And it does this by guiding you through a unique step-by-step process that’s specifically designed to transition your baby or toddler out of that wakeful disrupted sleep pattern and into a consistently restful one within weeks. So you can start sleeping better. Start to feel human again. And feel a whole lot more relaxed and confident in general when it comes to sleep.

To date, over 1000 families have been through the program with life-changing results. And I would love the same for you!

You can find all the details about Baby Sleep Revolution here on this page – how the program works, what’s included, as well as a few really awesome bonuses that are super helpful. There’s also a short video that can help you decide if the program is right right for you, if it’s likely to help in your situation, so definitely give that a watch.

If you have any questions, you’ll also find a whole bunch of FAQs towards the bottom of this page as well. So have a scroll. 

And if Baby Sleep Revolution is a good fit for you, I would love to have you in the program and help you get to a MUCH better place with sleep!


(1) Galland, B. C., Taylor, B. J., Elder, D. E., & Herbison, P. (2012). Normal sleep patterns in infants and children: A systematic review of observational studies. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16(3), 213–222. 


report their little one 
wakes significantly less overnight as a result of the program


find their little one 
settles quickly at bedtime and overnight after implementing the program


would recommend the program to other parents struggling with a lot of night wakefulness


say their little one sleeps more soundly / is no longer as restless overnight


of parents feel better rested as a result of participating in the program


of parents report having more energy as a result of the program

Data collected via survey completed by parents 11-12 weeks after joining Baby Sleep Revolution™ (n = 338)

DESPERATE for sleep, but feel like you’ve already tried EVERYTHING?

If you’re like most parents who land on this page, you’ve probably been dealing with a LOT of night wakefulness for what feels like FOREVER – many weeks, months, or maybe even years 🤯. And no matter what you do, you just can’t get to the bottom of it. 

You’ve pretty much tried ALL THE THINGS:

But NOTHING has worked. Or at least nothing has worked for more than a few days or a week or two.

You’re usually a really upbeat person, but right now? Not so much.

The sleep deprivation is NEXT LEVEL.

Every morning, you wake up feeling like you’ve been trampled by a herd of elephants. You drag yourself out of bed and stumble through the day in a haze. Struggling to function, barely able to string sentences together, forgetting why you walked into a room, and finding it hard to stay calm and patient with those closest to you.

You’re beyond exhausted.

Everyone keeps telling you to sleep train, but that’s not the answer. Maybe you’re not comfortable with it, or you already tried it and it didn’t work, or it stopped working.

You’re desperate to find a way out to get back to being your usual happy, energetic self and truly enjoy this precious time with your little one. But how?

So many questions keep playing on repeat in your head…

  • Why is my little one like this?
  • What am I doing wrong? Is it my fault?
  • What else is there that I can try?
  • WHEN will it get better? (…please someone tell me there’s a light!!)

Every chance you get you’re trawling the socials and Googling for answers in the hope that maybe – just maybe – there’s something you’ve missed.

You’re convinced there MUST be a reason for this wakefulness (and if there’s a reason, maybe there’s a solution!). But you can’t seem to pinpoint it…

There IS another way…

But the plethora of conflicting advice and near-constant encouragement to sleep train, make it really hard to find.

It’s like searching for a precious gem in a big pile of rubble.

…difficult and time-consuming at the best of times, near impossible while sleep-deprived!

Because of this, most parents of very wakeful babies and toddlers end up stuck, with no idea what else they can do. Just surviving the days instead of enjoying time with their little one(s). Time they can never get back 😔

But now you’re here, it doesn’t have to be that way for you…

There is a light…

If your baby or toddler (5+ months):

  • Wakes frequently – hourly or more often for some or all of the night
  • Loves a 2am ‘party’ – aka split nights / MOTN wakings, or
  • ​Sleeps lightly / is restless – for long periods at night

And this has been happening for many weeks, months, or longer…

…you’re in the right place!

“I’m like a new person!”

Emma’s 15mo girl went from 6+ wakes/night down to 2 wakes/night. After BSR there’s no more hour-long bedtime battles, settling now takes 5 mins, and days are more predictable.

“I feel so much better! I’ve been able to exercise again, and go back to work.”

Bianca’s 9mo girl was waking very frequently – on a good night every hour, on a bad night up to 18-21 times. After participating in the BSR program, she now wakes just twice a night.  

“It has reduced my stress and mum guilt, and made me realise my baby is normal.”

Jess’ 11mo boy was waking up within 30-60 mins of going to sleep and then another 5+ times every night. 
After BSR he wakes just once! 

“It has guaranteed we get a couple of hours alone together as a couple in the evening.”

Before joining BSR, Hannah’s 15mo boy was waking very frequently – every 30 mins – 2 hours all night long and he had to be held for all naps. After BSR, he now naps in his cot and is down to just two wakes / night on average.

“We’ve seen huge, huge wins. We all feel amazing!”

On bad nights Anjelica’s 8mo girl would have long bedtime battles and wake every hour in the middle of the night.
After BSR she wakes just 1-2 times at night and false starts are all but eliminated.

“It changed me & my husband’s life!”

Sara’s 9mo boy went through a major regression at 4 months, waking every 30-60 minutes at night. As a result of implementing the BSR program he went from 15-20 wakes/night down to just 2 wakes/night. 

The secret to restful nights?
It comes down to science!

One of the most common causes of excessive night wakefulness in babies and toddlers (and adults too!) is something rarely discussed: low sleep pressure.

Sleep pressure (aka ‘sleep-wake homeostasis’) is one of the two systems in the body that regulates sleep and it’s a measure of how sleepy we feel. It’s actually a chemical called adenosine, which builds up in our brain while we’re awake. The more time we spend awake, the sleepier we feel. And then as we sleep, it reduces again.

To sleep soundly at night, we need to build up enough sleep pressure by bedtime. If we don’t, we can have trouble falling asleep, or struggle to sleep well at night, or both. Pretty logical, right? But the science often gets lost in the sea of baby sleep misinformation.

Many people believe babies and toddlers need a lot of sleep. That they should sleep 7-7 and have long naps. While this is true for some, research shows there’s actually a REALLY wide variation in sleep needs. Babies and toddlers between 6 and 24 months typically have anywhere from 9-16 hours of sleep per 24 hours (including naps).

Galland, B. C., Taylor, B. J., Elder, D. E., & Herbison, P. (2012). Normal sleep patterns in infants and children: A systematic review of observational studies. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16(3), 213–222.

Every little one is different.

Some need lots of sleep, others are more efficient sleepers and have lower sleep needs. Parents often don’t know this and so encourage long naps and set early bedtimes, thinking it’s necessary. This isn’t a problem if your little one has average to high sleep needs, but if they don’t, too much sleep / not enough awake time during the day can make it hard for sleep pressure to build, leading to:

  • Frequent night waking (hourly/every sleep cycle)
  • Split nights (like a 2am party)
  • Extended periods of restlessness or light sleep

Sometimes – though not always – they can also have trouble falling asleep or wake really early.

Many little ones who experience this just have a short term blip and then return to a restful sleep pattern without much fuss.

But some – especially those with low sleep needs – are more sensitive.

They can get stuck in a cycle, where after a string of wakeful nights, they catch up on sleep during the day, which reduces sleep pressure, leading to more wakeful nights. Some of these little ones are wakeful every night, while others ride a ‘sleep rollercoaster’ – cycling between strings of okay/good nights (when sleep pressure reaches an adequate level), and strings of wakeful nights (when it doesn’t).

How do you break the cycle?
By resetting and optimising their sleep pattern.

This involves following a process to help them transition out of the wakeful, disrupted sleep pattern they’re currently in, into a pattern where their sleep pressure builds to an adequate level by bedtime each night, so they fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly for decent stretches.

The optimal sleep pattern looks different for every child – because they all have different sleep needs and they’re all able to stay awake for different lengths of time during the day. So the process helps you figure out exactly how much sleep they need and when, so you can transition them into the specific pattern that works best for them.

…HELLO restful nights!

Imagine having a little one who falls asleep quickly and sleeps soundly, for decent stretches at night…

And imagine getting the rest you need to wake up feeling refreshed, with energy to function properly and make the most of the day… and going to bed knowing the night ahead will be restful.

This isn’t some far-fetched dream.
It’s entirely achievable!

Feel human again

Clear the brain fog. Break free from ‘zombie mode’. Get back to feeling like YOU.

Function properly

Drive the car safely. Get stuff done. String together a coherent sentence!

Be the parent you want to be

A calmer, more patient and relaxed version

Enjoy life so much more!

Truly make the most of these precious early months & years

The Baby Sleep Revolution™ Program

The one-of-a-kind program that helps parents transition their baby or toddler from a wakeful, disrupted sleep pattern, into a consistently restful one in just weeks, using sleep science.

Be guided through a unique, step-by-step process that can help you get sleep back on track, FAST.  

So you can have the energy to function properly and make the most of life with your little one.

“It seriously changed our lives!”

Nadine’s 5mo boy was experiencing bedtime battles, multiple wakes, and long ‘parties’ during the night. Within a week of starting the BSR program, he was sleeping through the night and continues to do so. 

“I’m a doctor and I found the physiology, developmental science and the evidence base behind the program really appealing.”

Sarah’s 5mo girl had been very wakeful her whole life – never waking less than 6 times, which increased at 4 months to around 14 times, sometimes every 30 minutes.
After BSR, wakings reduced back down to just 6 wakes consistently.

“A huge improvement, and I feel like a normal person again!”

Before BSR, Jessica was up every hour, sometimes up to 10 times per night with her 7mo. As a result of doing the BSR program, her LO is down to 1-2 wakes per night on average. 

“I have my sanity. I can function again. I can’t stress how amazing it has been for us!”

Jacqueline’s 6mo girl had been waking up every 30-60 mins all night since about 4 months of age. After doing the BSR program, she now wakes 1-2 times at night, and Jacqueline feels really empowered and confident in managing her sleep going forward. 

“Go for it. It works!”

Kay & Charlie’s 9mo girl had lots of false starts, 2-3 hour long midnight ‘parties’, Kay couldn’t move most of the night because she stayed latched, and they struggled to get her down for naps. 
After BSR, she now settles really quickly, no more false starts, no more night time parties, and she only wakes twice! 

What you get when you join Baby Sleep Revolution™:

  • Lifetime access to 4 x comprehensive modules featuring 4+ hours of short, easy-to-watch lessons (most < 10 min)
  • Access to a wealth of extra resources: example plans, FAQs and additional guides
  • Closed captions and transcripts for every lesson / video
  • References to all peer-reviewed studies cited in the lessons

Module 1

Understanding the Science Of Sleep

All the must-know background information needed for success with the program.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • Exactly how sleep works – the basics of sleep science / how sleep is regulated.
  • The TRUTH about baby sleep – what the latest (peer-reviewed) research says about what’s typical for babies and toddlers when it comes to sleep.
  • How to quickly spot (and ignore) baby sleep myths and misinformation so you can avoid getting stuck or confused along the way.

…and more

Module 2

Resetting + Optimising The Sleep Pattern

This is the ACTION module – where you say goodbye to excessive wakefulness and HELLO to consistently restful nights!

In this module you’ll:

  • Be guided through the unique process designed to transition your little one out of the wakeful, disrupted sleep pattern into a manageable and predictable one, so they sleep soundly, for decent stretches and resettle quickly overnight.
  • Follow clear, step-by-step instructions to create a customised plan tailored to your little one and help them transition into their optimal sleep pattern.
  • Have access to the Help Hub – your go-to place for additional ‘how-to’ videos and resources, example plans and 50+ FAQs/Q&As, all designed to provide you with the support and guidance needed to maximise your success.

…and more

BEFORE JOINING: watch the video: ‘Is BSR Right For You?’ (or read the transcript) to learn exactly how the BSR process works and what to expect.

Module 3

Maximising Your Mojo

Supercharge your energy and wellbeing so you can truly make the most of life with your little one!

In this module you’ll:

  • Learn how to find more time to rest and recharge, even with limited support
  • Get your hands on evidence-based tips & tricks to optimise your own sleep
  • Tap into proven mindset-enhancing strategies for a lighter, brighter and more enjoyable parenting journey in the months and years ahead

…and more

Module 4

Maintaining A Restful Sleep Pattern

All the information & tools you’ll need to stay on top of your little one’s sleep in the months and years ahead!

In this module you’ll:

  • Learn how to troubleshoot wakefulness if (or when) it arises in the future
  • Get detailed guidance on making adjustments and re-optimising your little one’s sleep pattern if they drop a nap, go through a ‘sleep regression’ or experience a change in sleep needs.
  • Learn how to prevent wakefulness or quickly get sleep back on track if they: 
    – Get sick
    – Start daycare/nursery or have a new caregiver
    – Travel or change time zones
    – Are teething
    – Need to adjust to daylight savings/summer time
  • Get a downloadable copy of my guide: ‘Transitioning To Own Sleep Space’ to help you transition your little one to their own bed/room when the time is right.

…and more

You only get this time once…

Everyone says it, but it’s true. 
This is not a dress rehearsal.

The early months and years are such an important and special time in yours and your little one’s life.

You wouldn’t think twice about calling a plumber if the pipes were blocked.
Or taking your car to the mechanic if it breaks down.

Getting enough sleep is just as – if not more – vital!
It’s not a luxury, or a ‘nice-to-have’.

It’s essential.
Not just for your own well-being, but for the well-being of the entire family.
Because when you get the rest you need, the ripple effect is HUGE.

So don’t wait a minute longer!

Start your journey to better sleep today

Get started today!
The Baby Sleep Revolution™ Program

Lifetime Access

  • 4 x comprehensive modules with everything you need to transition into a consistently restful sleep pattern.
  • Access to a wealth of extra resources in the Help Hub to support your success.
  • BONUS Working With Other Caregivers’ bundle
  • BONUS access to the BSR Question Box
  • BONUS lifetime membership of the BSR Alumni Community

$227 USD


The Baby Sleep Revolution™ program has a strong track record of helping parents achieve successful outcomes, and I’d LOVE it to do the same for you.

However, it’s important to note that participation in the program does not guarantee a result. Detailed and transparent information about how the program works and who it is and isn’t suitable for is provided here on the program page to help you make an informed decision about whether it’s a good fit for you and your situation.

Please watch the video: “Is BSR Right For You?” (or read the transcript) on this page and review the Terms & Conditions, including the Refund Policy, before joining.

Baby Sleep Revolution™ isn’t for everyone…

This unique solution addresses a specific (and very common) cause of excessive night wakefulness: low sleep pressure. It’s LIFE-CHANGING for so many families, but it does need to be right for you and your situation. I only want you to join if you’re likely to achieve a great result.

To learn more about how the program works and whether it’s a good fit for you, go through the checklist below and watch the short video: “Is BSR Right For You?” (or read the transcript). There’s also a bunch of FAQs at the bottom of this page that can help answer any further questions you may have.

BSR is for you if…

  • Your little one is 5+ months old (corrected/adjusted)
  • ​They’re VERY wakeful at night – waking 5+ times or wide awake/restless for extended periods on some, or all, nights – and have been like this for many weeks or months.
  • You don’t have concerns about health/development – you’ve investigated and ruled out or treated any health-related causes of wakefulness with health professional(s). This article may be a helpful read if unsure.
  • Sleep is your #1 priority. You’re 100% committed to improving the nights – it’s not sustainable to just hang in there and wait for sleep to improve in its own time.
  • You’re comfortable with a self-guided/self-led program format.
  • You’ve watched the short video: “Is BSR Right For You?” below (or read the transcript) and you feel the program is likely to be a good fit for you & your situation.

Please do NOT join if…

  • Your little one is under 5 months old (corrected/adjusted)
  • You or health professional(s) have concerns about their health/development (health-related causes must be investigated / treated / managed first).
  • After watching the video: “Is BSR Right For You?” below or reading the transcript, you’re not sure the program is a good fit for you / your situation.
  • You want a solution that includes personalised, 1:1 coaching.
  • You want your little one to ‘sleep through the night’ and/or self-settle. BSR is designed to address excessive night wakefulness and transition little ones into a consistently restful sleep pattern. Most still wake overnight (1-3 times is typical) for a quick feed or resettle.

My other program: Baby Sleep Unlocked™ may be just what you need!

In this video, I’m going to be helping you decide if Baby Sleep Revolution is right for you. And this is really important because I want to make sure that if you join the program, you’ve got a really good chance of getting a great result. And that really comes down to two things:

Firstly: whether Baby Sleep Revolution addresses the root cause of your little one’s wakefulness.

And secondly: whether the program is a good fit with your lifestyle and parenting approach.

So, Baby Sleep Revolution is designed to address one of the most common causes of excessive night wakefulness: low sleep pressure. But if this isn’t what’s causing your little one’s wakefulness, then the program won’t help. So it’s important to rule out the other possible causes first. And there are two likely ones…

The first is health or developmental causes. 

So basically anything that causes pain or discomfort or impacts functions in the body or brain has the potential to disrupt sleep. Common conditions associated with disrupted sleep include things like sleep disordered breathing, allergies, intolerances and low iron levels. Now, these are just a few examples. It’s important to investigate any possible health or developmental related causes with your healthcare provider as a first step. And if there are any existing conditions, you need to make sure that they are treated or managed and are no longer affecting sleep.

The second possibility to consider is separation anxiety or other stressors. 

Separation anxiety is very natural. Little ones have a biological need to be close to their caregivers for safety and can sometimes become stressed if that need isn’t met. If your little one becomes anxious if they can’t sense you when they stir during the night, they may wake frequently.

If separation anxiety is the reason for their wakefulness, meeting their need for closeness should help them sleep more soundly for longer stretches at night.

If they’re currently in their own room, you could try having them sleep in yours. Either in their own bed, within arms reach or safely bed sharing, if that’s an option for you. If you try this, or you’re already room sharing or bed sharing, and your little one is still very wakeful, restless, or only sleeps when they’re held, then separation anxiety is unlikely to be the cause of the wakefulness, so you can probably rule that out.

Stressful events or changes in a little one’s life also have the potential to affect sleep. Common examples include things like starting daycare, the arrival of a sibling, or any big change in a little one’s life. Research shows that if a parent or trusted caregiver is stressed, a little one can absorb that stress, too. (1-4)

If one of these events or changes coincides with your little one’s wakefulness, it might be the reason for the wakefulness.  Though sometimes these changes can also affect sleep pressure. For example, if a little one starts daycare and has longer than usual naps or goes to bed earlier than usual, that can lead to increased night wakefulness as well.

So those are the two other likely possibilities to consider and rule out first. If you’ve done that, then low sleep pressure becomes the most likely culprit. 

As you may already know, sleep pressure is one of the two systems in our body that helps regulate sleep. It’s basically a measure of how sleepy we feel, and it’s actually a chemical called adenosine, which builds up in our brain while we’re awake. And then as we sleep, it reduces again. 

Every little one needs a different amount of sleep. Research has found babies and toddlers between 6 and 24 months have anywhere from 9 to 16 hours of total sleep per 24 hours (5). That’s naps and night sleep combined. So a very wide range!

Some are just much more efficient sleepers than others. They need a lot more awake time each day for their sleep pressure to build.

For a little one to sleep soundly for decent stretches at night, their sleep pressure needs to reach a high enough level – they need to be tired enough – by bedtime. If it doesn’t, maybe because they’ve slept in or they’ve napped too much or they went to bed too early, for whatever reason, it can lead to excessive night wakefulness – things like:

Frequent night waking (five or more wakes a night, maybe hourly or every sleep cycle) for some or all of the night

Split nights (a 2am party or a middle of the night waking) or 

Extended periods of restlessness, so tossing and turning or sleeping lightly. 

Sometimes they may also wake really early, and some can also have trouble falling asleep at bedtime, though this isn’t always the case because it is possible to have enough sleep pressure to fall asleep quickly, but not enough to stay asleep and sleep soundly.

Now, many little ones who experience this just have a short term blip and then return to a restful sleep pattern without much fuss. But some – especially those who have low sleep needs – are more sensitive. 

They can get stuck in a cycle where after a string of wakeful nights, they’re really tired, so they catch up on sleep during the day, which reduces their sleep pressure and makes it hard for it to build up to an adequate level by bedtime, leading to more wakeful nights.

Some of these little ones are wakeful every night, while others ride a sleep roller coaster and cycle between strings of good nights, when their sleep pressure does reach an adequate level, and strings of wakeful nights when it doesn’t.

If you’re sitting here thinking, “this is totally my little one, I am sure low sleep pressure is the culprit I’ve been looking for”, then Baby Sleep Revolution could be a game changer for you. And it sounds like you’re probably ticking that first box. But as I said at the beginning, the program also needs to be a good fit for you and your family.

So I’m going to explain a little bit more about how the process / the approach works so you can decide whether it’s a good fit for you. 

So basically, Baby Sleep Revolution is designed to help you transition your little one out of the wakeful disrupted sleep pattern they’re in, and into a consistently restful sleep pattern where they sleep soundly for decent stretches at night.

This is known as the Sleep Pattern reset and Optimisation process and it’s a process that’s unique to Baby Sleep Revolution. 

The process works in two ways: firstly by preventing catch up sleep and secondly by ensuring there’s enough awake time over the day for sleep pressure to build to an adequate level by bedtime each night.

This involves doing things like avoiding sleep-ins so having a consistent morning wake time, making sure they don’t nap too much – more than they naturally need to – and usually they’ll also have a bedtime that’s on the later side.

Now exactly what this looks like will be different for every child because they’re all different. And so the process helps you tailor this to your little one’s individual needs. 

It’s important to be aware that this process / this approach does require effort on your part, especially during the initial phase. You can’t just kind of click your fingers and have a great sleeper, unfortunately! 

The initial part of the process – the Sleep Pattern Reset – is temporarily quite tiring. It’s not that dissimilar to the process you’d go through to get over jet-lag. Because your little one won’t be having that catch up sleep during the day, they’re going to be more tired than usual – temporarily – until they start having more restful nights. 

Some little ones can also be more unsettled when they’re tired. And so they may need to be held more often or have lots of interesting activities to do, lots of outdoor. Time to help them stay calm and stretch through to bedtime. And depending on your level of support, it may also be more tiring for you because the days are longer. Now, as I said, this is temporary. It’s usually only like this for a couple of weeks. Once they start sleeping better, it becomes much easier.

So there’s this bit of a hump you need to get over, but once you do, the view on the other side makes it all worth it.

Another thing to be mindful of is that you have to be able to stick to a specific sleep pattern, especially when it comes to morning wake time and bedtime, and in terms of total nap time as well. There is flexibility around when naps happen and how many naps they have. You won’t have to follow a specific nap schedule – it’s more about doing what works best for your little one and you. And naps may be different from day to day too, depending on your plans. So there is a bit of flexibility, but you have to be able to be consistent with the overall pattern because that’s necessary to keep them in a restful pattern. The overall pattern is tailored to your little one though, so you won’t be required to try and get them to fit a particular schedule that doesn’t work. It’s about finding the pattern that works best for them.

You also need to be comfortable with waking your little one and this is necessary to prevent that catch-up sleep. Because when they’re stuck in a disrupted sleep pattern with fragmented nights, letting them catch up on sleep during the day can keep them in that cycle. Now, this may feel counterintuitive, especially since many Western cultures have this belief that you should never wake a sleeping baby. However, in other cultures, like Fijian Indian, for example, it’s normal to wake babies to help them sleep better at night. And similarly, parents often wake older toddlers from naps to avoid bedtime battles. It’s also important to remember that modern environments can be very conducive to sleep. Little ones often sleep in cosy, quiet or dark spaces or in prams or cars and this can encourage them to sleep for longer than they naturally need, affecting their sleep pressure. So gently and respectfully waking your little one can be both helpful and necessary.

Most parents find that once they go through the initial Sleep Pattern Reset and Optimisation process, their little one will settle into a pattern where they just wake a small number of times overnight for a quick feed or resettle. Usually somewhere between 1-3 wakes is common. So the aim is to help you have manageable and restful nights.

So that’s how the program works! As I said, it does require some effort on your part and for this reason it’s a program that’s best suited to parents who really need their little one to sleep well at night. Like it’s the number one priority. 

So if you’re in that boat right now, Baby Sleep Revolution is likely to be an incredibly helpful program!

But if you’re like “sleep could be better, but I’d rather put up with wakeful nights and not have to get up at the same time each day or not have to put them to bed later than I’d like”. Or if you just think the process would be really hard for you for whatever reason, then it’s probably not a good fit. And that’s okay, it’s not right for everyone.

I’ve summarised all of this in a checklist which is up on the screen right now: 

BSR is likely to be right for you if: 

1) Your little one is 5+ months old (adjusted/corrected)

2) They’re excessively wakeful at night (frequent waking/extended periods of wakefulness/restfulness) and have been like this every night or on and off for many weeks, months or longer

3) You’ve ruled out health conditions and separation anxiety/stress as likely causes

4) You understand how the process / approach works and feel it’s a good fit for your situation and family

If you tick these boxes then Baby Sleep Revolution is likely to be right for you!

If you still have any questions then scroll down to the bottom of this page where you’ll find a bunch of FAQs that should have the answers you’re looking for.

I hope this has been really helpful. And if Baby Sleep Revolution is right for you, I’d love to help you get to a much better place!


(1) Mueller, I., Snidman, N., DiCorcia, J. A., & Tronick, E. (2021). Acute Maternal Stress Disrupts Infant Regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System and Behavior: A CASP Study. Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 714664. 

(2) Waters, S. F., West, T. V., & Mendes, W. B. (2014). Stress contagion: physiological covariation between mothers and infants. Psychological science, 25(4), 934–942.

(3) Waters, S. F., West, T. V., Karnilowicz, H. R., & Mendes, W. B. (2017). Affect contagion between mothers and infants: Examining valence and touch. Journal of experimental psychology. General, 146(7), 1043–1051.

(4) Tarullo, A. R., St John, A. M., & Meyer, J. S. (2017). Chronic stress in the mother-infant dyad: Maternal hair cortisol, infant salivary cortisol and interactional synchrony. Infant behavior & development, 47, 92–102.

(5) Galland, B. C., Taylor, B. J., Elder, D. E., & Herbison, P. (2012). Normal sleep patterns in infants and children: A systematic review of observational studies. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16(3), 213–222.

Free Bonuses

I’ve got a few extra goodies for you…

The 4 x modules of BSR are designed to help you transform the way your little one sleeps – so you get the rest you need to function properly, and enjoy life so much more!

But that’s only the start…

When you join BSR, you also get 3 x super-helpful BONUSES – additional resources and support to help maximise your likelihood of success.

Bonus 1

Working With Other Caregivers Bundle

To help you get a great improvement, even if others – partner/spouse, caregiver, or daycare/nursery – are also caring for your little one. The bundle includes:

  • An extra lesson with 7 x  proven strategies to help you effectively manage sleep with other caregivers during the process.
  • A short <15 min video summary to share with your partner or other caregivers explaining how the program works, key research insights, and how they can best support you to achieve a great result.
  • A written (PDF) summary to send to caregivers – done for you!
  • A tracking sheet to help everyone keep tabs on sleep during the process.
Bonus 2

Access to the BSR Question Box

While BSR is a self-guided program, with this bonus you won’t be totally on your lonesome! If you ever have a question about the process, or need clarification and can’t find the answer in the modules or the Help Hub, you can post your question in the BSR Question Box and me (Georgina) or someone from my team will get back to you to help you move forward!

  • A safety net just in case you get stuck at any point along the way
  • Connect with a real human to get the information you need to progress.

Please note: Responses are general in nature – one-to-one / personalised coaching is not included with the program, but we do aim to provide the clarification or general information needed (and examples if relevant) to progress. Responses are provided within 2 business days.

Bonus 3

Lifetime Membership Of The BSR Alumni Community

Four weeks after joining the program, you’ll receive an invitation to join our private Baby Sleep Revolution™ Alumni community on Facebook™. The community is for parents who’ve completed Module 2 — the initial sleep pattern reset and optimisation process — and have progressed to the ‘maintenance’ stage. Here you can connect with like-minded parents and support one another with common questions and challenges that may pop up while following the approach in the months and years ahead – things like dropping naps, starting daycare and sharing ideas for making the most of life with a little one who doesn’t need a lot of sleep.

  • Connect with other like-minded parents in a similar boat
  • Get advice to help maintain a restful sleep pattern in the months ahead
  • Give & receive ideas & tips for an easier and more enjoyable parenting journey

See the results parents have achieved with Baby Sleep Revolution™…

“Go for it. It’s a game changer!”

Before I found The Baby Sleep Revolution™ program I was honestly at a loss. My 6 month old had been waking 4-6 times a night since she was 3.5 months. I was stressing over sleep schedules and trying to follow wake windows, with no success. I felt like I only had two options: sleep train or no sleep.

The program has been a game changer. She now falls asleep within 10 minutes every time and wakes twice on average overnight so we consistently all get a good night’s sleep. Thank you Georgina!!

“I finally feel like we know what we’re doing.”

My daughter was almost 3 when we joined the Baby Sleep Revolution™ program. We’d been dealing with frequent waking and split nights for years and were exhausted.

We joined the program a month ago and this week alone she’s slept through the night every night except one. It’s been glorious! So grateful for this program. 

Hey, I’m Georgina!

And I’m here for pretty similar reasons to you… only I’m at the other end of the tunnel (where the light is!) now.

I know what it’s like to dread the nights and struggle through the days in a foggy haze…

When my little one was 9 months old, he started waking EVERY sleep cycle at night. The sleep deprivation was so severe, I could barely function. It didn’t take long for me to hit breaking point. 

But I was actually really lucky. Because unlike most parents, I knew a way out. Being a bit of a science nut, I’d already done a lot of reading and research on sleep and had discovered an evidence-backed way of helping wakeful little ones sleep better.

So when my baby started waking frequently, I decided to apply what I’d learned to see if I could improve things. And after just a few weeks, he went back to waking for just two quick feeds a night. The fog lifted and I felt human again! It was honestly LIFE-CHANGING!

“Babies bring so much joy into our lives as parents – I don’t believe anyone should have to deal with the stress and exhaustion that wakefulness can cause for any longer than they already have.”

And that’s why I do what I do – help parents struggling with wakefulness.

If that’s you right now, I’d love to help you get to a much better place so you can enjoy parenthood – and life in general – a whole lot more!

The Baby Sleep Revolution™ Program

Lifetime Access

  • 4 x comprehensive modules with everything you need to transition into a consistently restful sleep pattern.
  • Access to a wealth of extra resources in the Help Hub to support your success.
  • BONUS ‘Working With Other Caregivers’ bundle
  • BONUS access to the BSR Question Box
  • BONUS lifetime membership of the BSR Alumni Community

$227 USD

Frequently asked questions

Great question! Both Baby Sleep Revolution™ and Baby Sleep Unlocked™ are based on the same general sleep science principles and both can help parents achieve fast settling and more restful sleep. But they are different in terms of how they work and who they work best for.

Which one is right comes down to the individual child…

Many little ones only need relatively small adjustments / support to help them settle quickly and sleep better and this is what Baby Sleep Unlockedfocuses on – making evidence-based tweaks and changes to help support a little one’s natural sleep regulation system. For many parents, it’s all that’s needed. 

But some little ones – particularly those with very low sleep needs who have been very wakeful at night for some time – need a more specific/precise approach. This is where the Baby Sleep Revolution™  program comes in. It guides parents through a unique, step-by-step process to transition their little one out of a chronically disrupted sleep pattern, and into a consistently restful sleep pattern.

So what I generally recommend to parents is:

If your little one is 5+ months old and really wakeful at night – they’re waking very frequently, or wide awake or restless for extended periods some or all nights – and they’ve been like this for many weeks or months, and you’re pretty sure low sleep pressure is what’s causing the wakefulness, then Baby Sleep Revolution™  is likely to be the best option.

If your little one is wakeful, but not quite that wakeful (you’re managing at the moment but would LOVE to get to a better place so that you can get on with enjoying life), or they’re still younger than 5 months, or you’re still trying to work out what’s causing their wakefulness, then go with Baby Sleep Unlocked™.

If you’re leaning towards Baby Sleep Revolution™ but you’re still unsure, firstly make sure you’ve gone through the checklist and watched the video: ‘Is BSR Right For You?’ here on this page.  If you’re still unsure, then Baby Sleep Unlocked™  is a great place to start, and may be all you need. Baby Sleep Revolution™ will still be here for you if you decide you need it at any point in the future. Members of Baby Sleep Unlocked™ have access to a special offer where they can get $30 USD off Baby Sleep Revolution™ if they decide to join at a later date.

Great question! Firstly, if you haven’t already, watch the video: ‘Is BSR Right For You?’ here on this page (or read the transcript) because I explain low sleep pressure in more detail and help you go through the other possibilities. But essentially, when a little one is very wakeful at night and has been for some time – many weeks, months, maybe even years – it’s usually due to one (or a combination) of the following:

1) Health / developmental conditions

Anything that causes pain or discomfort, or affects systems in the brain or body has the potential to disrupt sleep. This article includes examples of some of the most common conditions that have been found to be associated with disrupted sleep. It’s important to investigate health-related causes with your healthcare professional and ensure any conditions are treated/managed and are no longer affecting sleep as a first step. 

2) Separation anxiety / other stressful events or situations

Separation anxiety is a common cause of stress in little ones and some little ones have a stronger need to be close to their parent or caregiver than others at night. If you find your little one sleeps well when close to you (safely bed sharing or room sharing within arm’s reach) but not if they’re in their own room, then separation anxiety may be the cause of the wakefulness. If they’re wakeful regardless of where they sleep, then it’s unlikely to be separation anxiety causing the wakefulness. Stressful events or situations – can also affect sleep. Common examples include starting daycare/a new caregiver, the arrival of a new sibling, or some other big change in a little one’s life. Research has also found that if a parent or trusted caregiver is stressed, a little one can absorb / experience that stress themselves.

3) Lower than optimal sleep pressure

This is a very common cause of excessive night wakefulness. If you’ve ruled out the other two possible reasons, this is the most likely cause of your little one’s wakeful nights. If a little one’s sleep pressure doesn’t reach an adequate level by bedtime – meaning they’re not tired enough when they first go to bed – they can become very wakeful. This can manifest as frequent waking, or being wide awake or restless for extended periods during the night. Some little ones may also take a long time to fall asleep at bedtime, though not all have this issue. It’s very common for little ones to have enough sleep pressure to fall asleep quickly but not enough to sleep soundly for decent stretches. You might also find that they wake early – e.g. at 4am. While many little ones return to a manageable sleep pattern with little help, some get stuck in a cycle where they’re wakeful every night, or they ride a ‘sleep rollercoaster,’ and cycle between strings of ‘good’ nights and strings of wakeful nights.

So, If you’ve ruled out the first two possibilities – health conditions and stress – then low sleep pressure is the most likely reason for your little one’s wakefulness. And sometimes it can be a combination of more than one factor.

When I survey parents in the program, about half of them report their little one had trouble falling asleep at bedtime before joining the program. The other half didn’t have an issue with this.

It’s quite common for little ones to have enough sleep pressure / be tired enough to fall asleep quickly and easily at bedtime, but not enough to stay asleep and sleep soundly, for decent stretches over the entire night. So your little one may fall into this category.

The most common signs of low sleep pressure overnight are frequent waking (5+ times), or extended periods of being wide awake (aka split nights) or restlessness/sleeping very lightly. Some little ones are wakeful for most or all of the night, while others sleep well for part of the night and are just wakeful for a period of the night. So they might sleep well for the first 5 hours, and then they’re really wakeful after that, or they may have a lot of false starts/wakefulness at the beginning and then settle down as the night goes on. Or they may be wakeful in the middle of the night. 

Sleep resistance can be another sign of low sleep pressure, as can early morning waking – but not every little one experiences these things. 

If your little one is very wakeful during the night, then low sleep pressure may be the cause, even if they fall asleep relatively quickly at bedtime.

Some little ones are wakeful every night, while others ride a ‘sleep rollercoaster’ – cycling between good days/nights and wakeful ones. 

When a little one has an inconsistent sleep pattern it can be really confusing and frustrating for us parents. We think: “They’re definitely CAPABLE of sleeping for 11 hours overnight. They do it sometimes. Why can’t they do it every night?” Or we’re like: “They napped for nearly 3 hours the other day, why won’t they do that today?”

But these ‘good’ days are a bit of an illusion. 

When a little one is riding a sleep rollercoaster, they cycle between wakeful phases and catch-up phases. So after a string of wakeful nights, they’re usually really tired – their sleep pressure is high – so they catch up on sleep with a long nap or a solid night’s sleep, or both. Once they’ve caught up, they then fall back into a more wakeful phase, repeating the cycle.

Looking at a ‘good’ day/night in isolation can be misleading. It might seem like they need / or are capable of having 14 hours of sleep in a 24 hour hour period, but some of that will be catch-up sleep. You’ll probably find that on wakeful days/nights, they typically have much less sleep (e.g. 10-11 hours) or poorer quality, fragmented sleep (which can make it really hard to know how much they’re having!).

And so in reality, their true sleep needs probably fall somewhere in between this range.

Over 1000 parents have gone through the Baby Sleep Revolution™ program since it first launched, and from observations it’s common to see this kind of disrupted sleep pattern. 

Parents often think (and hope!) their little one needs more sleep than they do in reality. But they find that once they reset and optimise their little one’s sleep pattern, and they’re in a consistently restful pattern where they’re sleeping soundly for decent stretches at night, they typically end up needing somewhere between about 10-12 hours of sleep per 24 hours, give or take.

So if you’re seeing a lot of variation in sleep from day to day, it’s very likely you’re in a similar boat, especially if you’ve already ruled out the other common causes of excessive night wakefulness – health and separation anxiety/stress. If this is the case, Baby Sleep Revolution™ is likely to help you get to a much better place too! 

If you haven’t already, watch the video: ‘Is BSR Right For You?’ here on this page (or read the transcript) to learn more about exactly how the program works and if it’s a good fit for you and your situation. If it is, I’d love to help you get to a much better place!

Sleep needs reduce over time as little ones grow and develop. Research shows a steady decline in overall sleep duration in the first couple of years of life. Sometimes this reduction can happen quite suddenly too – for example, a large systematic review^ found that babies aged 3-4 months were reported to sleep about an hour less on average compared to newborns.

It’s common for parents to have a little one who was sleeping well / in a manageable and predictable pattern, who suddenly becomes very wakeful. In a poll of parents in the Baby Sleep Revolution™ program about half (49%) reported their baby first became very wakeful at 3-4 months – and they had quite a typical sleep pattern / would have been considered to have average sleep needs prior to that.

Of course, it’s important to rule out health-related causes of excessive night wakefulness, as well as separation anxiety or stress in general, but if you’ve done that, low sleep pressure is probably the most likely cause. While anyone can struggle with low sleep pressure, it is more of a common issue amongst those who don’t need a lot of sleep to begin with.

‘Low sleep needs’ is a range, so you may find that your little one needs less sleep than the average baby, but more than others. The program is designed to help you figure out the optimal sleep pattern that works for your little one. The aim is to find the maximum amount of sleep that still results in restful nights.

^ Galland, B. C., Taylor, B. J., Elder, D. E., & Herbison, P. (2012). Normal sleep patterns in infants and children: A systematic review of observational studies. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 16(3), 213–222.

No. Baby Sleep Revolution™ is designed to address excessive wakefulness caused by lower than optimal sleep pressure. It won’t work if the wakefulness is caused by something else. 

It’s very important to investigate and rule out or treat any possible health-related causes of wakefulness with your healthcare professional as a first step. If you’ve already done this but still have concerns or a gut feeling something isn’t right, keep investigating until you’re confident there’s no health-related cause/s. You know your little one best!

If your little one has a health condition that is not yet treated / managed, wait until it has been addressed. Once treated, hopefully you find their sleep improves and you won’t need to do anything else. But if you do still need help, the Baby Sleep Revolution™ program will be here.

In the meantime, my other program – Baby Sleep Unlocked™ – is well worth a look! It can help you support sleep and settling even while you investigate health-related causes. You may find that with a few tweaks and changes you’ll be able to get to a much better place! Get all the details here.

Great question! There are some really good, evidence-based alternatives to sleep training out there (my other program Baby Sleep Unlocked™ is one of them!) and many of them focus on supporting the body’s natural sleep regulators, including sleep pressure.

If you’ve already tried a program or approach of this nature and it hasn’t worked – maybe you saw some glimpses of improvement, but then the wakefulness returned – then Baby Sleep Revolution™ is definitely worth considering!

I’ve had so many parents join BSR after unsuccessfully trying another sleep-science based approache and they’ve been able to get amazing results!
This is because some little ones are wired a bit differently, and it’s not enough to just make general changes to support sleep, they require a very precise approach, which is what the Baby Sleep Revolution™ program offers.

Before joining, be sure to review the checklist and watch the video ‘Is BSR Right For Me?’ (or read the transcript), so you know the program is likely to be a good fit in your situation.

No, you need to wait until your little one is 5 months or older (corrected/adjusted).

The reason is that Baby Sleep Revolution™ addresses chronic excessive night wakefulness caused by lower than optimal sleep pressure, and it’s not until about the age of 5 months that parents can be more confident that this is the reason for their little one’s wakefulness. 

Newborns are often quite wakeful at night — waking to feed frequently or because they have their days and nights confused. Sleep can also be quite up and down until about 3-4 months because little ones’ sleep needs and patterns change frequently in the early months. Most little ones are in a relatively manageable and predictable pattern by about 5 months of age, so Baby Sleep Revolution™ is often not necessary. Additionally, it usually takes time for any health-related causes to be investigated, diagnosed, and treated and it’s important to make sure you’ve done your best to rule out health-related causes before joining.

If a little one is 5+ months and very wakeful at night, it becomes much more likely — especially if you’ve ruled out health-related causes — the wakefulness is caused by lower than optimal sleep pressure. So it’s really only by around 5 months of age (or older) that parents can be more confident that the program is necessary, and that it’s right for their situation. So hold tight! 

In the meantime, I highly recommend joining my other program Baby Sleep Unlocked™ which can help you with faster settling and more settled sleep, and may be all you need to get to a much better place!

Not at all! Baby Sleep Revolution™ is designed to help little ones aged anywhere from 5 months all the way up to preschool age.

The oldest child we’ve had in the program was 4 years old and she had been really wakeful ever since the 4 month regression – as you can imagine, her poor parents were beyond exhausted! But it didn’t take long for them to see the light – within just a couple of weeks she was sleeping through the night! (STTN is a more common outcome amongst older toddlers/pre-schoolers).

It’s also quite common for little ones to be quite good sleepers in the first couple of years, and then suddenly begin resisting sleep at bedtime or waking a lot at night in toddlerhood. Often this happens when they get close to dropping their last nap, which can start to really interfere with sleep pressure in the lead up to bedtime and they fall into a chronically disrupted sleep pattern.

Regardless of whether your little one’s wakefulness is a relatively new thing, or it has been a challenge for a really long time, Baby Sleep Revolution™ is definitely worth considering!

Before joining, be sure to review the checklist and watch the video ‘Is BSR Right For Me?’ (or read the transcript), so you know the program is likely to be a good fit in your situation.

It’s not, I PROMISE!!

There are many different methods of sleep training, but they all work in the same way – they all require parents to either not respond, delay their response or not respond in the way their little one wants (e.g. patting them instead of picking them up or feeding them) at night. 

The aim of sleep training is to extinguish the connection the baby’s brain makes between calling out at night and getting a response. So essentially, the baby learns that when they call out, they don’t get a response (or don’t get the response they want), so they stop calling out. Sleep training requires little ones to sleep in a separate room to their parent(s), and parents are advised not to respond during the night. For this reason it’s not typically compatible with room sharing, bed sharing or overnight feeds.

Baby Sleep Revolution™ works completely different to sleep training / behavioural sleep interventions. It focuses on supporting the body’s natural sleep regulation system, to ensure a little one is tired enough – that their sleep pressure reaches an adequate level – by bedtime to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly, for decent stretches at night. The program involves following a process to reset and optimise their sleep pattern – to get them out of the disrupted pattern they’re in, and into a consistently restful sleep pattern. Most little ones still wake at night a small number of times after the process (1-3 wakes is typical, though it may be a little more if they’re bedsharing and breastfeeding) – and parents are encouraged to respond in whatever way works best for them and their little one. Feeding to sleep and safe bedsharing (if relevant/preferred) are 100% supported!

It’s important to be aware that while BSR works completely differently to sleep training, transitioning a little one into a more restful sleep pattern still requires effort. Unfortunately we can’t just click our fingers and have a great sleeper! Although the process is relatively straightforward, it is (temporarily) tiring – not dissimilar to overcoming jet lag. There’s a bit of a ‘hump’ you need to get over to re-set the sleep pattern. For this reason, it’s best suited to parents who are really motivated to improve the nights – who don’t want to just ‘wait it out’.
To learn more about exactly how the BSR process works, and whether it’s a good fit for you and your situation watch the video: ‘Is BSR Right For Me?’ here on the program page (or read the transcript).

Usually, yes! Lots of families in the program have little ones who attend daycare or nursery, or are cared for by others. 

If you’ve watched the “Is BSR Right For Me?” video, you already know how the program works — by preventing catch-up sleep and ensuring enough awake time during the day. If your little one sleeps too much or doesn’t have enough awake time, it can be harder for sleep pressure to build by bedtime. So it’s important that caregivers work with you to follow the process. They’ll need to maintain a consistent morning wake time, monitor nap lengths and timings (with some flexibility), and stick to a regular bedtime (if relevant). If naps differ on daycare days – which is quite common – you may need to adjust wake times or bedtime to stay on track.

Ensuring caregivers are on board usually just requires engaging with them before starting the process, so they understand what’s needed and why. Most parents find this is all that’s needed.

The BONUS ‘Working With Other Caregivers’ bundle includes specific resources to help you with this:

  • A specific lesson with tips and guidance (many from parents who’ve been through the process) on working with caregivers.
  • A short video and a written summary you can share with caregivers, explaining the program, the research behind it, and how they can help you achieve a great result.
  • A tracking sheet to help caregivers record sleep, giving you visibility so you can adjust if needed.

The only time the program may be challenging is if a caregiver is unwilling to cooperate — for example, if they let your little one sleep as long as they like (leading to excessive catch-up sleep) or if they’re not honest about the sleep they’ve had, making it hard for you to make necessary adjustments.

Bedsharing is great for some, but not everyone can do it safely, and not everyone sleeps well with their little one right beside them! When you have a very wakeful little one, you do what’s necessary to maximise sleep, and sometimes that can mean bedsharing, even when you’d prefer not to. This program can’t guarantee your little one will sleep soundly in their own bed/room for the entire night. However, most parents do find that once their little one is in a consistently restful sleep pattern, they can start the night in their own bed/room, and then they either stay there until morning or they bedshare for the last stretch or two of the night. It really comes down to what works best for you and your little one – every child and family is different.

If this transition is something you’re thinking about now – or in the future – the program also includes a bonus downloadable guide: ‘Transitioning To Own Sleep Space’ to help you transition your little one to their own bed/room when the time is right.

While feeding/nursing to sleep is 100% supported in the program, at some point in time you may want – or need – to night wean.

Night weaning can be a difficult process if a little one is very wakeful at night, so Baby Sleep Revolution™ can often help make the night weaning process easier, because less wakes = less resettles. How easy the night weaning process is comes down to the individual and the situation though. There’s no guarantee. Night weaning tends to get easier as little ones get older, with most experts recommending parents wait until 18+ months if possible.

If you’re struggling with a lot of wakefulness, making changes to reduce that first usually helps a lot. The night weaning process is far less daunting when you’re only having to resettle a couple of times overnight. After going through the program, many parents actually find that once their little one is sleeping for decent stretches and resettling quickly, they’re okay to continue feeding at night for a while longer. Sometimes it’s the number of resettles that’s the issue, not the settling method.

When you’re ready to night wean, I also have a comprehensive Gentle Night Weaning Guide that can help guide you through the night weaning process. This is available to purchase in addition to this program – look out for a special deal at checkout!

The Baby Sleep Revolution™ program has a strong track record of helping parents achieve successful outcomes, and I’d LOVE it to do the same for you. It’s important to note however, that participation in the program does not guarantee a result. While the program is focused on helping as many parents as possible get a great improvement, results may vary and these variations are usually due to factors outside of our control (e.g. a participant’s ability to execute the process, illness/health, temperament etc.).

Detailed and transparent information about how the program works and who it is and isn’t suitable for is provided here on the program page to help you make an informed decision about whether the program is likely to work in your situation and be a good fit for you and your family. Please ensure you watch the video: “Is BSR Right For You?” (or read the transcript) on this page and review the Terms & Conditions, including the Refund Policy, before joining.

Most parents start to see improvements in the nights within a week or two of starting the process, sometimes even within days. The nights usually become consistently restful within a few weeks, and then it’s a matter of fine-tuning to fully optimise the sleep pattern. 

The entire Sleep Pattern Reset + Optimisation process typically takes around 4-6 weeks in total to complete, however it can take longer if a little one gets sick during the process (because the process needs to be paused), or if the process isn’t followed consistently for any reason. 

The program has been designed to be as short and efficient as possible – because I’m well aware that sleep deprivation doesn’t play very nicely with attention span and brainpower!

In saying this, it’s really important to have the background knowledge and to follow the process correctly to avoid getting stuck along the way.

There are a little over 4 hours of core lessons in total, broken up into bite-sized videos, most under 10 minutes. Parents often tell me they find it all really interesting and easy to watch, and most typically watch it over a few days or a week.

You can also just listen to the audio if you prefer (though some visuals in Module 2 are worth watching if you have the ability) and each video has a transcript underneath.

The short answer is yes and no. Some elements of the approach require consistency – like waking your little one at the same time each day for example – other aspects, such as the timing and location of naps, are more flexible.

The aim is to get your little one into a consistently restful sleep pattern, and keep them there. To do that, their sleep pattern needs to be pretty consistent from day to day so that their sleep pressure builds to an adequate level by bedtime. The exact sleep pattern looks different for every baby and toddler though – the BSR process is designed to help you find the optimal pattern that works for your child. You will not be required or encouraged to follow a pattern that doesn’t work.

Because of this, the program is best suited to parents who are really struggling with sleep deprivation – who are happy to stick to a pattern in order to have restful and predictable nights. If you’re coping okay with the night wakefulness right now, or you really don’t like the idea of sticking to a specific pattern, the program may not be a good fit for you.

To learn more about exactly how the process works and decide whether it’s likely to be a good fit for you and your family, make sure you watch the video: ‘Is BSR Right For You?’ (or read the transcript) here on the program page.

No. Baby Sleep Revolution™ is a self-guided / self-led program and is best suited to those who are comfortable in the driver’s seat. The videos and instructions are really clear, and there’s also loads of additional resources – like frequently asked questions, lots of examples and extra ‘how to’ videos in the Help Hub, so as long as you own and drive the process, you should be fine!

In saying this, if you find yourself stuck at any point, you won’t be totally on your lonesome because the program includes BONUS access to the Question Box. So if you ever have a question or need clarification and you can’t find the answer in the modules or the Help Hub, you can post your question in the Question Box and a member of the Georgina May Sleep team will get back to you within two business days to help you move forward! Responses are general in nature (one-to-one / personalised coaching is not included) however we aim to provide the information needed (and examples, if relevant) to help you progress.

If you’d prefer to have someone guiding you / providing 1:1, personalised coaching, this is probably not the right solution/program for you.

Absolutely! Many parents of twins have gone through the program and achieved great results. And many parents use it to improve the sleep patterns of more than one child – for example: they might join because their 8 month old is very wakeful, but then also apply it to their wakeful 3 year old. 

Because every child is different in terms of their sleep needs and sleep pattern, it’s unlikely any two children will have the exact same sleep pattern – even twins! This means that you may not be able to have them nap or go to bed at the same time. They may also wake at different times in the morning. Often it’s possible to align one of these things, but not two or three. The program includes an extra video that can help you align – or stagger – parts of their sleep patterns (e.g. have them go to bed at the same time, or half an hour apart) if that’s what works best for you.

The other thing to consider is the logistics and whether you have enough support to help you during the process. Some parents get around this by focusing on one child first, then the other. Or – if you have enough support – you could apply it to both at the same time. 

To get a better idea of exactly how the process works and whether it will be a good fit for you and your situation, watch the video: ‘Is BSR Right For You?’ (or read the transcript) here on the program page.

No, it’s important parents can join Baby Sleep Revolution™ at any time without feeling the need to wait for a discount. For this reason the program is offered at an everyday price, rather than being priced high with occasional discounts.

Members of my other program, Baby Sleep Unlocked™ are able to get $30 USD off Baby Sleep Revolution™ when they join from within the Baby Sleep Unlocked™ member’s portal. This is offered because there are some similarities in the background information (sleep science / research insights) between the two programs.

Great question! The sooner you get started, the closer you’ll be to better nights. But every situation is different and there are a number of factors to consider. Travel can disrupt sleep, but equally, being in a different place – especially if there are lots of new things to see/do, or people who can help you out, can be a good thing – it can make the initial part of the process a bit easier sometimes because – just like jet lag, it’s easier to stay awake and push through the day when there’s interesting things to see and do. It also depends on how long you’re going to be away for, whether you’re changing time zones etc. 

I’d recommend joining right away, that way you can watch the first 3 modules and get clear on exactly what the process is going to look like for your little one. Then you can decide whether it makes sense to start before, during or after your trip.

Moving house is a big, and often stressful, process! For this reason, I’d recommend waiting until you’ve moved and things have settled down before starting the process.

You can still join BSR now though – and start watching the modules (maybe pop your headphones in while you pack boxes??) – that way you’ll be one step closer and can get started as soon as you’re settled in your new home!

That’s such a lovely idea. There isn’t a specific option to purchase this as a gift (yet!), but you can purchase it in the name and email address of the recipient and they will be the one who is granted access. Be sure to let them know before you make the purchase so they can have a look and be sure the program is a good fit for them / their situation, and so they don’t get a surprise when they receive the email/login details in their inbox!

Still have questions?

If you can’t find an answer to your question in the FAQs, you can always contact us and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Don’t wait a moment longer!
The Baby Sleep Revolution™ Program

Lifetime Access

  • 4 x comprehensive modules with everything you need to transition into a consistently restful sleep pattern
  • Access to a wealth of extra resources in the Help Hub to support your success.
  • BONUS ‘Working With Other Caregivers’ bundle
  • BONUS access to the BSR Question Box
  • BONUS lifetime membership of the BSR Alumni Community

$227 USD

I acknowledge the Turrbal, Yuggera and Waka Waka people as the ongoing custodians of the lands where Georgina May Sleep is based, to the north west of Meanjin (Brisbane). I recognise their continuing connection to the lands and waters, and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty. Always was, always will be. I thank them for protecting the beautiful towering eucalypts, the native grasses, the families of birds, the reptiles, the insects, and the delightful wallabies and koalas (who inspire me every day with their responsive parenting practices!) over many thousands of generations. I am so incredibly grateful to be able to help parents around the world and do my bit to change the way society approaches sleep for the better from such a special – and magical – place. I pay my respects to Elders past and present, and extend my respects to all First Nations people visiting this website.

Results vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to a parent/caregivers ability to implement any tips or guidance effectively and consistently, the cause/s of any wakefulness and whether or not a little one’s wakefulness is excessive or their natural ‘normal’.

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